Who's Up For Round Two?

When Sam and I first considered moving abroad, we tracked down as many expats as we could to grill about it. Some were back in the States, some still on the road. We talked to Peace Corps volunteers, teachers, mothers, businessmen, and a wandering photographer. In my uncertainty, the most important question I could think to ask them was, "Would you do it again?" Every one of them said yes.
So a year ago, we stuffed our lives into three suitcases and moved to South Korea. Since then, we've spent some days exhilarated and some just confused. We've been humbled, intimidated, and occasionally pissed off. We've been flattered and fed and stared at. We've been amazed, both by the culture and ourselves. Mostly, we've just been happy.
Would we do it again? Heck yeah. In fact, that's the plan.
We've signed up to spend a second year crammed butts to elbows in our tiny studio. I'll still be teaching through EPIK. Sam will try to sell the incredible book he wrote (and maybe write a sequel). We've got serious amounts of Korean to learn and a huge number of places to see. And I'm just not ready to stop eating barbecue yet.
It’s not all kimchi and roses, of course. There are people back home we’d gladly lop off an arm to see. Traffic dodgeball is getting a little old, and my love affair with red bean paste ended the day it began (though Sam remains devoted and starry-eyed). Also, if I never hear the Hello Song again, I will die happy.
But taken all around, moving to the far side of the world is the best decision we've ever made. And we're ready for more.